Robinson Elementary School Home


Welcome to Robinson Elementary School where we are Shaping Our Future Together!

Notes from the Principal
September 20, 2020
Hi Robinson Families,
WOW! What a huge push from all of us - school staff and families - to get school started this year. Thank you for all of your efforts to get your kids here ready to learn. They arrived excited, curious, patient and kind. They had masks and were prepared to wear them. They understood the need to keep a distance but have sometimes struggled to stay a step back from people they were really, really excited to see. I know I speak for all of my colleagues when I say that having the kids here is filling my heart to the brim every day, many times a day. They are funny, smart and sweet. Thank you for entrusting them to us.
We are spending lots of careful time establishing routines and building our relationships with and between students. We have had to learn new ways to build community in our classrooms, with masks on and distances maintained. Teachers and principals across the five town schools are sharing our best ideas, aided by our planning time on Wednesdays.
Here again is Superintendent Patrick Reen’s video for this week. These videos will be phased out soon as classroom teachers are now communicating regularly with their classroom families.
Kindergarten families - The kindergartners are doing GREAT! They have gotten the routines of their classroom down so fast and seem to have  happily settled in. Starting Monday we would like to have all kindergartners enter the school on their own. We don’t anticipate any problems with this. As always, if you have concerns, please contact Ms. Myriah.
Attached you will find an announcement about food pick-up and an order form for take-out meals.
Again, thank you for all of your support as we have launched school in this new format. The Robinson staff has been so grateful for the positive energy and encouragement coming from our Robinson families.
Edorah Frazer


At a glance

  • 1:1 Grades 1-6 Devices per Student
  • 126 Student Enrollment
  • 78% Professional Staff with a Master’s Degree or higher
  • 16 Average Class Size

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Welcome to Robinson Elementary School!